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Starlight | Amorelicious
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Amorelicious / Starlight


Once when I was a child, I got lost and found myself in the wilderness under a canopy of stars. I remember gazing at those shooting stars trailing through a midnight blue sky. They were waltzing like graceful swans, lost in a timeless rhapsody.

Smitten, they serenaded me with tales of valiant heroes and ethereal soulmates. I believed them with all the space my young heart could embrace.

And ever since, I’ve been chasing those stars, longing to capture my dreams. You see, I never stopped believing in being a hero of my own story with a soulmate to adore forever.

Years pass, yet I sedate my doubts with a rainbow of hope.

But tonight, I stop and look at myself, bewildered at my long, solitary journey. I can no longer see or believe in those stars. I look around and see nothing but my illusions.

My heart breaks into two. It is time to give up on this chase.

I leave half my heart on this forsaken road, perhaps you might find a piece of me here if ever you existed.


© Image Credit: Standret/


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