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If I Let Go | Amorelicious
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If I Let Go

Amorelicious / If I Let Go

If I Let Go

If I let go,
would our memories dance before me,
taking me away from ever after and back to once upon a time?

If I let go,
would I find myself lost in the story of my life,
with no happily ever after?

If I let go,
would the other half of my heart
always be somewhere far away?

If I let go,
would I always seek your soul
amid crowds of cold strangers?

If I let go,
would hope take me farther away from you
or would love beckon me to stay?

If I let go,
why do you continue to live within me?
Unheard, unseen, yet forever loved.


© Image credit: Audrey – Charming Fashion Theme


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